10% off Labor Day Sale

Monarda punctata-Spotted Bee Balm

Spotted Bee Balm is our most striking and unusual native Monarda, with tiered spikes of inflorescences instead of the usual single flower head atop each stem. Rosettes of pale-yellow, two-lipped flowers with reddish brown spots are stacked at the top of each stem and divided by whorls of eye-catching bracts in shades of lavender, pink and white. These bracts remain on the plant long after the flowers have fallen, providing months of visual interest. It is a true pollinator magnet, attracting every winged visitor imaginable, and plays larval host to several species of butterfly. Its foliage is highly aromatic, making it both excellent for herbal teas and unpalatable to deer and rabbits. It is drought tolerant and will self-seed to form clumps but is not aggressive like other members of the mint family. Makes a great cut flower.

Sun: Full Sun, Partial-sun

Soil: Medium-Dry, Dry

Bloom Time: July, August, September

Color: Purple

Height: 2 ft
